Odoo Technical Webinar - The key objective behind Odoo Technical Training is to literate the Odoo Developers, Partners and other public on OWL(Odoo Web Library) framework.
OCT 10,2020
1. Introduction
2. Agenda
3. Setting Up an OWL Project
4. OWL Components
a. Reactive System
b. Properties
c. Static Properties
d. Methods
e. Lifecycle
f. Root Component
g. Composition
h. Form Input Bindings
i. References
j. Dynamic sub-components
k. Functional Components
l. SVG components
5. Environment
6. Context
a. Rendering Components
b. Semantics
c. Asynchronous Rendering
7. Store
8. Qweb
a. QWeb Templating Language
b. QWeb Engine
9. Tags
10. Slots
11. Event Handling
a. Event Handling
b. Business DOM Events
c. Inline Event Handlers
d. Modifiers
12. Hooks
a. OWL Hooks
b. Making customized hooks
13. Router
Course Objective:
The training envisions sharing how to build an OWL Project. The training will cover the different aspects of OWL and create a strong knowledge base for attendees.Download Course Content: Odoo OWL Framework Techincal