In Odoo POS loyalty helps to encourage our customers via giving points and gifts for their sale. We can give different types of rewards for our customers like a discount, gift, and POS re-sale.
Odoo POS Loyalty program helps you to encourage your customer via giving points and gifts for their sale.
- In the Point of Sale application, Go to Configuration -> Settings.
- You can tick Manage loyalty program with point and reward for customers.
Define a loyalty program
- Go to Configuration -> Loyalty Programs and click on Create.
- You can assign a name and a number of points given by currency, by order or by-product. Extra rules can also be added such as extra points on a product.
You can configure any rule by setting some configuration values.
- Name: An internal identification for this loyalty program rule
- Type: Does this rule affects products or a category of products?
- Target Product: The product affected by the rule
- Target Category: The category affected by the rule
- Cumulative: The points won from this rule will be won in addition to other rules
- Points per product: How many points the product will earn per product ordered
- Points per currency: How many points the product will earn per value sold
You can also set rewards by clicking on Add an Item under Rewards.
Types of reward
Resale: Convert your points into money. Set a product that represents the value of 1 point
Discount: Give a discount for a number of points. Set a product with a price of 0 € and without any taxes
Gift: Give a gift for a number of points
Now you are ready to start your point of sale session.
Go to Configuration -> Point of Sale
Set the loyalty program you want to set as follow
- To start point of sale you need to set a customer on the order.
- Click on Customer and select the right one.
- Loyalty points will appear on the screen.
You can also give rewards to the selected customer through clicking “Rewards”
Then select one of the Rewards from a wizard
You can also view loyalty points from customer list as follow
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