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By: Ruksana P

How to Add a Section & Note for a Custom Module in Odoo 17


In Odoo, a One2many field can include sections and notes, enabling users to categorize and organize related records into meaningful groups. Notes provide a way to add supplementary information or comments directly within the context of specific records.

For instance, in a sale order line, users can utilize sections and notes to categorize and manage items more effectively.

How to Add a Section & Note for a Custom Module in Odoo 17-cybrosys

In this blog, we can explore how to add sections and notes to our custom model. First, we have to create a new model and add the one2many field.

from odoo import api, models, fields, _class WarrantyRequest(models.Model):   _name = 'warranty.request'   _description = 'Warranty Request'   _inherit = ['mail.thread', 'mail.activity.mixin']   partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner',                   string='Customer')   date = fields.Date(string='Date', default=datetime.today())   name = fields.Char(string="Sequence Number", readonly=True,           required=True, copy=False, default=_('New'))   state = fields.Selection(       [('draft', 'Draft'), ('to_approve', 'To approve'),        ('approved', 'Approved'), ('cancelled', 'Cancelled')],       string='Status', default='draft', clickable=True)   warranty_period = fields.Selection(       [('3months', '3 Months'), ('6month', '6 Months'),        ('1year', '1 Year')],       string='Warranty Period', default='3months')   warranty_expire_date = fields.Date(string="Expiry Date")   warranty_line_ids = fields.One2many('warranty.request.line',                    'warranty_id')   description = fields.Html(string='Description')

And then add the warranty. request.line model,

from odoo import api, models, fields, _class WarrantyRequestLine(models.Model):   _name = 'warranty.request.line'   _description = 'Warranty Request Line'   product_id = fields.Many2one('product.product',                 required=True)   warranty_id = fields.Many2one('warranty.request')   description = fields.Char(related='product_id.name')   quantity = fields.Integer(required=True)   uom_id = fields.Many2one('uom.uom',              related='product_id.uom_id')   lst_price = fields.Float(              related='product_id.lst_price')   warranty_charge = fields.Float(               compute='_compute_warranty_charge')

And then add the corresponding XML file,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
   <!--  Warranty request form view  -->
<record id="warranty_request_form_view" model="ir.ui.view">
  <field name="name">warranty.request.form.view</field>
  <field name="model">warranty.request</field>
  <field name="arch" type="xml">
     <field name="state" widget="statusbar"/>  
     <button name="action_to_approve" type="object"
      string="To approve"invisible="state != 'draft'"/>             
     <button name="action_approve" string="Approve"  
      invisible="state !='to_approve'" type="object"/>
     <button name="action_reset_draft" string="Reset”  
      invisible="state == 'draft'" type="object"/>                        
     <button name="action_cancel"  string="To approve"
      type="object" invisible="state != 'cancelled'"/>                                              
       <div class="oe_title">
<h1><field name="name"/></h1>
        <field name='partner_id'/>
        <field name='date'/>
        <field name='warranty_period'/>
        <field name='warranty_expire_date'/>
      <page id="product" name="Product">
         <field name="warranty_line_ids" mode="tree">    
           <tree editable='bottom'>                                            
              <field name="product_id"                                           
                 create="false" delete="false"/>                                                                         
              <field name="name"/>                                                                       
              <field name="quantity"/>                                   
              <field name="uom_id"/>                                   
              <field name="lst_price"/>                                   
              <field name="warranty_charge"                                          
                 sum="Warranty Charge"/></tree>                                                          
      <page id="product" name="Description">       
          <field name="description"
            readonly="state != 'draft'"/>
<div class="oe_chatter">
    <field name="message_follower_ids"    
    <field name="message_ids" widget="mail_thread"/> </div>

It results following view, By default we get the ‘Add a line’ control button.

How to Add a Section & Note for a Custom Module in Odoo 17-cybrosys

To add the section and note in one2many model, follow these steps:

1. Add the display type field in the one2many filed model.

The model should contain the 'name' field for the section and note and display_type filed as follows,

name = fields.Char('Description')
display_type = fields.Selection(
       ('line_section', "Section"),
       ('line_note', "Note"),

2. Add the create and write function as follows

def create(self, vals_list):
   if vals_list.get('display_type'):
       vals_list.update(product_id=False, quantity=0)
   return super().create(vals_list)

Ensures that if display_type is set, product_id is False and quantity is 0, thereby enforcing a rule that lines with display_type should not have product or quantity values.

def write(self, values):   if 'display_type' in values and self.filtered(           lambda line: line.display_type !=           values.get('display_type')):       raise UserError(           _("You cannot change the type of a warranty order line. Instead you should delete the current line and create a new line of the proper type."))   return super().write(values)

Then,  Prevents changing the display_type of an existing line, enforcing the rule that once a line is created with a certain type, it cannot be changed. If an attempt is made to change the type, it raises an error instructing the user to delete the line and create a new one with the appropriate type.

3. Defines SQL constraints

To help maintain data integrity by enforcing that a warranty request line is either a display line (with display_type set) or an accountable line (with product_id and quantity set), but not a mix of both.

_sql_constraints = [
    "CHECK(display_type IS NOT NULL OR (product_id IS NOT NULL AND quantity IS NOT NULL))",
    "Missing required fields on accountable warranty request line."),
    "CHECK(display_type IS NULL OR (product_id IS NULL AND quantity = 0))",
    "Forbidden values on non-accountable warranty request line"),

The accountable_required_fields constraint ensures that for lines where display_type is not set, product_id and quantity must be provided.

The non_accountable_null_fields constraint ensures that for lines where display_type is set, product_id must not be provided and quantity must be zero.

4. Add the ‘section_and_note_one2many’ widget and control section in the one2many tree view.

a) Add the ‘section_and_note_one2many’ widget in the field:

<field name="warranty_line_ids" 
mode="tree"  context="{'default_display_type': False}">                              

b) Add control tag inside tree tag:

These controls allow users to easily add new records with predefined contexts for sections and notes.

   <create name="add_product_control"
           string="Add a product"/>
   <create name="add_section_control"
           string="Add a section"
   <create name="add_note_control"
           string="Add a note"

Add Product Control: No specific context, so it will create a standard product line.

Add Section Control: Ensures that the display_type is set to line_section by default.

Add Note Control: Ensures that the display_type is set to line_note by default.

c) Add display_type field in the view 

The display_type field is included in the view but made invisible in the list/tree view.

<field name="display_type" column_invisible="1"/>

d) Change the required condition for the mandatory field.

<field name="product_id"
      required="not display_type"/>
<field name="quantity" 
required="not display_type"/>

Make the product_id and quantity fields required only when display_type is not set. 

After all these changes, our XML code looks like as follows,

<page id="product" name="Product">
   <field name="warranty_line_ids"
     widget="section_and_note_one2many" mode="tree"
     context="{'default_display_type': False}" >   
     <tree editable='bottom'>
         <create name="add_product_control"
            string="Add a product"/>
         <create name="add_section_control"
            string="Add a section"
         <create name="add_note_control"
            string="Add a note"
       <field name="product_id" create="false"
         required="not display_type"  delete="false"/>             
       <field name="name"/>
       <field name="display_type"   
       <field name="quantity" 
          required="not display_type"/>
       <field name="uom_id"/>
       <field name="lst_price"/>
       <field name="warranty_charge"
          sum="Warranty Charge"/>

In the One2many tree view, users have the capability to add both sections and notes, as demonstrated in the following screenshot.

How to Add a Section & Note for a Custom Module in Odoo 17-cybrosys

In Odoo, sections and notes within the One2many  field offer several practical benefits that contribute to a more organized, user-friendly, and efficient system.

By using sections, users can easily distinguish between different sets of data or categories within a form or view. This improves the readability of information; Notes provide a way to add supplementary information or comments directly within the context of specific records.

To read more about How to Add Sections, Notes, & Subtotals in a Quotation Using Odoo 17 Sales, refer to our blog How to Add Sections, Notes, & Subtotals in a Quotation Using Odoo 17 Sales.

If you need any assistance in odoo, we are online, please chat with us.


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