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By: Farhana Jahan PT

How to Use Hive to Store & Retrieve Data in a Flutter Application


Effective data management is essential to ensuring a good user experience in mobile app development. Flutter, Google's UI toolkit for crafting natively compiled applications, offers a range of solutions for handling data, but one of the most powerful and lightweight options is the Hive package.

In this blog, we'll explore how to use Hive to store and retrieve data in a Flutter application.

Let's add ID, name, and description to Hive for storage. Additionally, we'll include any other relevant records that you want to store. We'll then retrieve these values from Hive as needed.

For that, firstly we need to set up Hive for local storage as per below code:

import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
part 'group.g.dart';
@HiveType(typeId: 0)
class Group extends HiveObject {
  final int id;
  final String title;
  final String description;
  Group({required this.id, required this.title, required this.description});

You can include other records that you want to store. 

After setup hive, run the following commands to generate the Hive adapter for your model. Before executing the command, you need to add build_runner: ^2.1.11 to dependency at yaml file

flutter packages pub run build_runner build

This will generate the group.g.dart file with the necessary serialization code. The corresponding group.g.dart file for setting up Hive is shown below, and it is automatically generated.

part of 'group.dart';
// **************************************************************************
// TypeAdapterGenerator
// **************************************************************************
class GroupAdapter extends TypeAdapter<Group> {
  final int typeId = 0;
  Group read(BinaryReader reader) {
    final numOfFields = reader.readByte();
    final fields = <int, dynamic>{
      for (int i = 0; i < numOfFields; i++) reader.readByte(): reader.read(),
    return Group(
      id: fields[0] as int,
      title: fields[1] as String,
      description: fields[2] as String,
  void write(BinaryWriter writer, Group obj) {
  int get hashCode => typeId.hashCode;
  bool operator ==(Object other) =>
      identical(this, other) ||
      other is GroupAdapter &&
          runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
          typeId == other.typeId;

To use Hive, you need to initialize it in your main function. This is typically done in main.dart:

void main() async {
  final appDocumentDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
  await Hive.openBox<Group>('groups');

Now use Hive for retrieving data.

In our GroupList widget, we’ll open the Hive box and populate it with sample data if it’s empty. We will use ValueListenableBuilder to listen for changes and update the UI accordingly.

The code for it is given below:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
import 'package:hive_flutter/hive_flutter.dart';
import 'hive_offline/group.dart';
class GroupList extends StatefulWidget {
  const GroupList({super.key, required this.title});
  final String title;
  State<GroupList> createState() => GroupListState();
class GroupListState extends State<GroupList> {
  late Box<Group> box;
  void initState() {
  Future<void> openBox() async {
    box = await Hive.openBox<Group>('groups');
    if (box.isEmpty) {
      box.add(Group(id: 1, title: 'Flutter', description: 'Flutter group'));
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text(widget.title),
      body: ValueListenableBuilder(
        valueListenable: box.listenable(),
        builder: (context, Box<Group> box, widget) {
          return ListView.builder(
            itemCount: box.length,
            itemBuilder: (context, index) {
              final group = box.getAt(index) as Group;
              return ListTile(
                title: Text(group.title),
                subtitle: Text(group.description),
                leading: CircleAvatar(
                  child: Text('${group.id}'),

You can store the data in the local database using the code provided, allowing you to access and utilize the stored information as needed.

Integrating Hive into your Flutter application provides a simple and efficient way to manage local storage. By defining models, initializing Hive, and using ValueListenableBuilder, you can easily store and retrieve data offline.

To read more about How to Create Bottom Bar Navigation in Flutter, refer to our blog How to Create Bottom Bar Navigation in Flutter.

If you need any assistance in odoo, we are online, please chat with us.


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