Customers of any business are of prior importance to any company. The more the customer base the more is the company's growth and profit based on. Moreover, coping ups with the demands and needs of the customers will be the priority of companies in the modern era to stand high among the competition. No matter the customer requirements if it falls under the companies abilities and capabilities providing it to them will deal in customer satisfaction and the high chances of preferring the same company by the customer again.
In the real-time operations of a company, the management and methodologies should be made flexible to a common standard to make the shopping experience as well as the customer demand to be met. An example of the need for flexibility is the delivery of products. In instances, the customer needs to provide the delivery of the product to a remote location out of the reach of the company. Business organizations should partner up with courier services to meet customer demand and deliver the products.
Another instance will be managing the delivery of the product for a single customer at multiple addresses. This is an advanced operation and the company management and the delivery operators should be at most careful while dealing with ist. As the wrong delivery to an address will mean that the customer satisfaction and the relationship is tangled. The multiple address option is used by the companies functioning at multiple locations or multinational levels. There are usually large establishments and have multiple locations of operation across the world.
The Odoo ERP, one of the most used business management solutions across the world, allows the user to solve the issue of multiple address management. The platform has a designated modular approach with the help of application-specific module operations allows the user to run the company more reliably and efficiently. Moreover, the functioning of the company or the establishment is controlled from a single platform and the operations are centralized toa single database.
This blog will describe how the Odoo platform allows the users to configure and run multiple address operations on customers efficiently in Odoo 14.
Initially to configure the multiple address operations in Ooo the user should enable the customer address option available in the sales duel under the settings menu.

After enabling the option in the customer window during creation or editing an existing one the user can view the add option available in the contacts and address tab of the respective customer window.

Upon selecting the window the user can view the contact address creation option. Here the address and the contact for the respective customer can be assigned as either contact, invoice address, delivery address, other address or as private address. In the description, the window provides the name and the address along with the ZIPcode of operations. Moreover, the other contact information such as email address and phone numbers can also be entered.

The described address will be depicted in the customer window as shown in the below image. Additionally, the user can add and describe multiple addresses with respect to the customer.

On creating a sales quotation to the respective customer the user will be able to choose from the list of addresses allocated with the respective customer.

Down below in the image shows the invoicing aspects where the customer is invoiced based on the address being described in the sales quotation.

Multiple addresses to customers in CRM
In the CRM module of operating the platform, the multiple addresses can be created and described to be operational in a similar way. Under the respective customer description in the customer's window, the user can view the add option with respect to the contacts and address menu.

In addition, creating sales quotations from the CRM module will also allow the user to choose from the multiple addresses of the respective customer.

Adding multiple addresses to vendors
The Odoo platform also provides the provision to its user to add multiple addresses to the vendors of operation in the platform. Similarly, as done for the customers of the platform, the user can add an address to the vendor to be described.

On adding the address of the respective customer ist will be deposited as shown in the below image and the user can choose to operate from any one of the defined in the company operations.