Let’s discuss how to create a barcode in Odoo 16. As we all know, a barcode is a machine-readable visual representation of data. It represents numerical or alphabetic data using a pattern of parallel lines of various widths and spacings. The barcode scanner reads and analyses the information encoded in the barcode, which is then processed by a computer.
Let’s consider two cases,
1. Take an example of the Generates EAN13 Standard Barcode for Product.
import math
from odoo import api, models
class ProductAutoBarcode(models.Model):
_inherit = 'product.product'
def create(self, vals):
"""generate barcode when create new product"""
res = super(ProductAutoBarcode, self).create(vals)
ean = generate_ean(str(res.id))
res.barcode = '21' + ean[2:]
return res
def ean_checksum(eancode):
"""returns the checksum of an ean string of length 13, returns -1 if
the string has the wrong length"""
if len(eancode) != 13:
return -1
oddsum = 0
evensum = 0
eanvalue = eancode
reversevalue = eanvalue[::-1]
finalean = reversevalue[1:]
for i in range(len(finalean)):
if i % 2 == 0:
oddsum += int(finalean[i])
evensum += int(finalean[i])
total = (oddsum * 3) + evensum
check = int(10 - math.ceil(total % 10.0)) % 10
return check
def check_ean(eancode):
"""returns True if eancode is a valid ean13 string, or null"""
if not eancode:
return True
if len(eancode) != 13:
return False
return False
return ean_checksum(eancode)
def generate_ean(ean):
"""Creates and returns a valid ean13 from an invalid one"""
if not ean:
return "0000000000000"
product_identifier = '00000000000' + ean
ean = product_identifier[-11:]
check_number = check_ean(ean + '00')
return f'{ean}0{check_number}'
class ProductTemplateAutoBarcode(models.Model):
_inherit = 'product.template'
def create(self, vals_list):
"""generate barcode number when create new product"""
templates = super(ProductTemplateAutoBarcode, self).create(vals_list)
ean = generate_ean(str(templates.id))
templates.barcode = '22' + ean[2:]
return templates
Here, we are going to generate a barcode for a product. EAN-13 is the most widely recognized barcode in Europe, and it is used for basic product identification in supermarkets and other retail businesses. It is the European version of the American UPC-A barcode.
For more information, you can refer to the below app link https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/16.0/product_barcode/
2. Next, we can check how to generate a barcode for the sequence and display it in the report in Odoo.
Print .py file:
def generate_barcode(self):
data = {
'response': self.name,
return self.env.ref('module_name.action_generate_barcode').report_action(self,data=data)
Print Button Xml:
<button name="generate_barcode" string="Generate Barcode" type="object"/>
Print barcode_action.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<record id="action_generate_barcode" model="ir.actions.report">
<field name="name"> Barcode</field>
<field name="model">module.name</field>
<field name="report_type">qweb-pdf</field>
<field name="report_name">module_name.print_barcode</field>
<field name="report_file">module_name.print_barcode</field>
Print barcode_template.xml:
<? xml version ="1.0" encoding ="UTF-8" ?>
<template id ="print_barcode_custom" >
<t t-call ="web.basic_layout" >
<div class ="page" >
<div class = "col-md-6" >
<img class ="barcode"
t-att-src ="'/report/barcode/?barcode_type=%s & value=%s & width=%s & height=% s & humanreadable=1 & quiet=0' % ('Code128',response, 205, 67)"
alt ="Barcode" />
</ odoo>
This blog will give you an idea about barcode creation in Odoo 16.