Odoo offers various modules to track and organize projects and employee time. The Odoo Project module can be very effective in managing the projects at hand. Scheduling and allocating the projects and the tasks under these projects is simplified with the Odoo Projects module. We can create new projects, add tasks and prioritize the tasks and the projects, all with a few clicks. The add-on to this module is the timesheet module that lets you manage the employee time on various tasks assigned.
An employer is required to track the time spent by their employees on tasks assigned for both time and budget management. This track record of the time spent by the employee on tasks assigned within a given time period is called the timesheet. This data table can be based on tasks, projects, employees, or clients. We can use many methods to record this timesheet like paper-based records, time-tracking software, and spreadsheet software. Most people have moved to digital formats for better accessibility, communication, and easier processing of timesheet data for various purposes.
Why do we need this time entry? The billable time of most employees is averaged to be between 60-80 percent of the work hours. For a client-based business, especially, tracking the billable time is important as it allows us to invoice better to the clients for each project. We want no red flags when it comes to our client relations and a good time entry helps us avoid this while billing our client on project time. The billable time is usually the time an employee spends on performing the responsibilities concerning the given task or project. Ideally, the administrative tasks performed and the background works done that do not directly benefit the client are not included in the billable time. The timesheet data can also be helpful in payroll processing.
Timesheet has proved to be an efficient time management system allowing us to track, manage and allocate time effectively. With deadlines and budget goals, managing time and accurate recording of time spent is essential for almost all businesses. Timesheets can be very useful as an accurate record that allows better
- Payroll processing: time tracking helps keep the error-free entry of the employee work hours. This can bring down payroll errors
- Task management: records of time spent on various tasks helps managers to identify those tasks that take up more time. This helps to prioritize and allocate time effectively for each task.
- Client relation: the records ensure that the client's time and money are not wasted at our hands. The timesheets are proofs of accurate billing at the time you dedicate to clients and this builds trust in the company.
We have no arguments that time is the most valued resource for companies. The more efficient we are in managing the time at hand, the more we capitalize. Being a modern-day business requires us to be efficient and fast-paced. Efficiency and success are no more the results of hard work, but smart work. Updating and upgrading to the latest changes in the business world is part of smart working. Staying abreast with the latest technologies and adopting the right softwares solutions to automate your business processes is one way to ensure efficiency.
Finding and choosing the right software to run your business would eliminate the time wasted on tedious and redundant tasks of data entry and improves the accuracy and pace of complicated calculations. Odoo as a business management software is highly functional, yet very simplistic in the user interface that it can help transform to the digital world of business with the least efforts.
Odoo timesheets
The Odoo timesheet in its basic function is a time-tracker. A standout feature of the Odoo timesheet is its accessibility. Available on chrome store, apple store, and google play, Odoo timesheet offers us the ease of working on any device, anywhere.
The various assignments and projects created in the Odoo projects can be timed with the help of the module. We must enable the timesheet feature while creating the Projects. This allows us to log time and track time on the timesheet for the project. We must also enable billable to allow invoicing of the time and material to the customers.

Once these settings are enabled, choose the customer for the project. We can go to the invoicing tab. Here we can choose the option of a unique customer to invoice the tasks to. By doing this, we can create a sale order, and the pricing is set at the employee rate. Now we can link the employee timesheets that can be billed for the particular project.

Save the settings and create a sales order and invoice the timesheet to the customer.
Managing timesheets
In the Odoo timesheet, we can add a new line to track the time spent on various tasks and projects.

Choose the project and task, and assign an employee for the given task. We can also enter the time spent on the task and save the task.
We can start running a project and a task with the start button and the time spent will be recorded for the particular task or project.
For managers, the timesheets of all employees will be visible and they can access this from timesheets> all timesheets. The manager can export the timesheet of all employees as a spreadsheet from the pivot view or list view.
Validate Timesheets
A manager can validate the timesheet of the employees from the validate menu. The validation can be done for all employees under-managed, or we can further filter the employees and validate only selected timesheets.


- Employee-wise timesheet is available under reporting -> by the employee. A quick overview of the employee time is displayed for the month, week, or any filter set.
- Project-based timesheet reporting can be viewed as under-reporting -> by the project.
- Task-based timesheet reports the time spent on individual tasks under each project.
- Timesheets by billing type will display the time on billable and nonbillable tasks and the expended time.
We can assess the total timesheet, total attendance, and the total difference from reporting -> timesheet/attendance
Timesheet app
The timesheet app can be installed on your devices and we can sync it with the server to manage and track our billable hours on any devices. The app provides access across devices and even works offline. The time is tracked while we run a task and will be synced to the system when online.
The timesheet module integrates with accounting to allow error-free payroll management. Managing attendance and work hours is also eased by the module, helping with the HR management. It automates the billing based on timesheet inputs, thereby improving the functionality of sales and invoicing.