Top 8 New Features in Odoo 17 Studio App

Cybrosys Technologies


1. Approval Rules: Granular Control

Configure multi-level approval flows and notify users when their approval is requested.

Odoo 17 Studio App

2. Button Visibility

Make any button invisible - permanently or conditionally - in form views.

Odoo 17 Studio App

3. Custom Model Publication on Website

Create custom website pages for any data in Odoo: integrate Website with any other app, including apps created with Studio.

Odoo 17 Studio App

4. New Report Editor

Edit PDF reports more intuitively with the new report editor. Use any / command to add static or dynamic content in PDF reports.

Odoo 17 Studio App

5. Approval Rules: Server-Side Enforcement

Approval rules are now enforced server-side (and thus applied for API calls) instead of client-side.

Odoo 17 Studio App

6. Currency Field Configuration

Monetary fields added with Studio now detect and use currency fields on the model by default. Select which currency field to use directly via the Studio view editor.

Odoo 17 Studio App

7. Disable Number Formatting

Enable or disable formatting for numbers via Studio (e.g., to display a Year in an integer field without formatting with a thousand separator)

Odoo 17 Studio App

8. Revamped Automation Rules

Customize your workflows using the revamped automation rules: access your automation directly from any Kanban view, configure powerful automation in a few clicks, send and receive webhooks, and much, much more.

Odoo 17 Studio App