Cybrosys Technologies
The equal operator (=) is used to find records that exactly match a given value.
The not-equal operator (!=) does the opposite. It helps you find records that do not match a specified value.
This operator (>) is essential for filtering records based on numerical or date values.
This operator (<) is essential for filtering records based on numerical or date values.
This operator is similar to the greater than operator, this operator (>=) includes records where the field value is equal to the specified value.
This operator is similar to less than the operator, this operator (<=) includes records where the field value is equal to the specified value.
The like operator in Odoo is used for case-sensitive text matching to filter records.To find records whose names contain ‘Johnson’ in a case-sensitive manner.
The not-like operator in Odoo is used to filter records that do not contain a specific string in a case-sensitive manner.
The in operator helps you find records where a field's value is one of the specified values in a list
The not in operator identifies records where the field's value is not in the list
The ilike operator in Odoo is used for case-insensitive text matching. It helps you find records that contain a specific string, regardless of letter case.
The NOT ilike operator in Odoo is used to filter records that do not contain a specific string in a case-insensitive manner.
The =? operator in Odoo is used to filter records where a field's value is exactly equal to a specified value.
In Odoo, the child_of domain operator is used to filter records that are either the specified record or any of its children in a hierarchical structure, such as parent-child relationships.