Cybrosys Technologies
We're going to install the Pycharm Community version here, and your machine must fulfill a few basic requirements to run Pycharm.
The most recent Python 3.10 version is inaccessible in Ubuntu's default repository. As a result, we must add another repository. Python Packages may be found in the deadsnakes repository on Launchpad.
Installing the web dependencies is the next step.
To publish Odoo reports, you must install Wkhtmltopdf, which can be done with the following code.
Next, we must install PostgreSQL
Create a database user with the following instructions, and specify a password for the separate user because it will be required when creating the conf file, so save it.
Odoo 17 Community Source code may be obtained straight from Odoo's Github source.
Open Pycharm Community and navigate to the Odoo17 directory.
Odoo requires the installation of various Python packages, which are stated in the file requirement.txt within the Odoo17 directory.
You can create conf file by right-clicking the directory and select New -> File -> odoo.conf
Go to Settings -> Project: odoo17 -> Python Interpreter to configure a Python interpreter.
To configure, Go to Edit Configurations under Current File.
Odoo's setup is finished. You may try it by clicking the button below to launch the project.