3-Way matching capability is available in available to decide the validity of the seller invoice and to decide whether or not it has to be paid. The function lets you examine the facts performed on the acquisition order, receipt, and seller`s invoice. It additionally prevents the purchaser from paying faux seller payments. Firstly we should allow it from the settings of the Purchase Module. Go to Purchase - Configuration - Settings - Invoicing - 3-manner matching: purchases, receptions, and payments Then click on the “Save” button. When we spark off this selection withinside the settings, facts can be up to date withinside the seller invoice, whether or not the invoice `have to be paid or not. We have 3 default alternatives here: Yes: Pay the invoice, and you've got acquired the amount of product. No: Don't pay the invoice due to the fact you haven't acquired the product. Exception: Difference withinside the ordered, billed, and acquired portions of products.