INVENTORY - Odoo 17 Enterprise Book

Product Management

For the efficient upkeep of inventory, keeping track of every facet of a product is essential. You can set up new products in your database that will efficiently track and monitor all actions to improve the inventory management of the relevant products using the Odoo17 Inventory module. The Sales and Purchase modules' and the Inventory module's processes for configuring products are essentially identical. For successful product management in Odoo17, you will receive a distinct menu called Products on the main menu bar of the Inventory.

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The Products menu, as seen in the above image, has options for Products, Product Variants, Lots/Serial Number and Packages.

By selecting the items option, it is simple to see all configured items. The configuration of new products via the Products menu will be covered first.

The Kanban view of the product's platform is depicted in the image. On each product tab, you will find the names of the items as well as crucial details like the price, picture, quantity on hand, etc. You can add products to your Favorite list by selecting the star symbol. This will enable you to quickly and easily find all of your favorite products.

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As you are aware, Odoo17 offers sophisticated sorting options across nearly all platforms. Additionally, you will find the Filters and Group By options in this window, which will allow you to quickly locate the necessary information regarding the product listed in the Inventory module.

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The Filter option offers both standard and bespoke capabilities to find the necessary data. The default choices allow you to filter Products, Services, Published, Available in PoS, Can be Sold, Can be Purchased, Can be Rented, Can be Subcontracted, Can be Expensed, Available Products, Negative Forecasted Quantity, Favourites, Warnings, and Archived Products. You can add new custom filters to the products using the Add Custom Filter option. Similar choices for default and custom sorting are available in the Group By function as well. You can organize products based on the Product Type, Product Category, and POS Product Category using the default selections. To build additional grouping options that meet your needs, use the Add Custom Group tool.

You can see a preview of the products in the list view, as shown below. The product name, internal reference, responsible, product tags, sales price, cost, quantity on hand, anticipated quantity, and unit of measurement are all included in the preview. You can expand the list view by selecting extra fields from the default selections, such as the Website ID, Barcode, Company, POS Product Category, Product Category, Product Type, and eBay Status. You can include custom fields in the list view by selecting the Add Custom Field option.

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By selecting the necessary goods from the list, you can manage and change any product's details. As seen in the illustration below, the product details window can be seen.

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Based on the data configured on the relevant goods, the user will receive sophisticated smart buttons in the products window. To manage other price lists for the product, click the Extra Prices option. With the aid of the Go To Website, the product may be readily launched and managed on eCommerce. The On Hand button will display the inventory's available amounts. Similar to this, the Forecasted button will display information on the numbers that have been predicted. The movement history of the items in the inventory is shown by the In & Out button. The corresponding smart buttons can be used to access the configured Reordering Rules and Lots/Serial Numbers for this product. When you click the More button, you'll see more possibilities for finding information on the product's Bill of Materials, Engineering Change Orders, Putaway Rules, Quality Control Points, Storage Capacities, Purchase Analysis, Sales Analysis, and Digital Attachments.

Let's now use the New button to create a new product and talk about the choices available in the product settings box. Odoo17 will direct you to the product setup window, as shown below, as soon as you click the New button on the product dashboard.

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In the Product Name field, you can start by mentioning the name of the product. You are welcome to use the Star symbol to add this new item to your list of favorites. You can use the space provided to add a lovely image of the product

You will be prompted to choose the product-related operation types while configuring a new product. The choices are:

Choose the option Can be Sold, if your stuff can be sold.

Choose this option Can be Purchased, if the product is able to be bought.

If you want to choose this product while creating costs, use this option Can be Expensed.

Choose the choice Can be Recurring, to start a subscription while approving purchases of this item.

To allow rental of this product, choose this option Can be Rented.

We have General Information, Attributes & Variants, Sales, Purchase, Inventory, Accounting, and eBay tabs to add more information about the product. Below is a link to the tab for general information.

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You can select the Product Type from the available options on this page. You can view a list of the various product kinds from the drop down menu.

Consumable goods:These are sent straight from suppliers to the appropriate clients, so you don't need to keep inventory of them.

Service: Odoo views all services provided by an organization as Service items. This kind of product's inventory cannot be maintained by the user. It is a service that a business provides that is not tangible.

Storable: Products that are storable are the ones for which stock management is necessary. This product type cannot be delivered until there is enough inventory on hand. Using the reordering guidelines on the products, you can replenish the inventory. If not, Odoo17 will produce caution messages while creating orders to indicate that there is not enough stock.

Event Ticket: Using this product category, the tickets for an event may be set up in Odoo17 as a product.

Event Booth: The Event Booth product type in Odoo17 can be used to configure the booths that a business provides during an event as products.

Course: It is a non-tangible good that a business offers as a component of eLearning programmes.

Combo: Combinations of multiple products can be created. And the customers can choose what they require.

Booking Fee: This type of products are usually used for online booking.

You can specify the Invoicing Policy after indicating the product type. For its users, Odoo17 provides two different kinds of invoicing policies.

Ordered Quantities: With the help of this billing policy, you can create invoices for the quantities that a client has ordered. By doing this, you'll be able to bill for all of the quantities specified in the order even before it's delivered.

Delivered Quantities: Only the delivered quantities will be taken into account when generating invoices under this invoicing strategy. When a customer orders 12 quantities of a product but only delivers 5, Odoo will use this invoicing policy to create an invoice for the delivered 5 quantities. Only after delivery will an invoice be created for the remaining 7 amounts.

The Unit of Measure parameter can be used to provide the default unit of measurement for all stock activities for this product. The default unit of measure for purchase orders for this product is indicated by the Purchase UoM . In the Sales Price section, you can provide the price at which you offer this product to your clients. In the Customer Taxes column, you can specify the default taxes that are applied to products when they are set up. The taxability information codes that are utilized to determine precise tax rates for each class of goods are referred to as the TaxCloud Category. In the relevant fields, you can include information about the Avatax Category, Cost, Product Category, Current Version of the product, Barcode, Product Tags, and Company. The product-related notes that are intended only for internal usage might be specified in the Internal Notes box.

The fields that are available for service-type products, such as event tickets, event booths, and courses, may vary in several ways. Below are four different sorts of invoicing policies that you can find here.

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Prepaid/Fixed : Based on the ordered quantities, invoices may be generated as necessary.

Based on Timesheet : Invoice tasks or projects in accordance with timesheets for the quantities supplied.

Based on Timesheet: Invoice tasks or projects in accordance with timesheets for the quantities supplied.

Based on Milestones : Invoice jobs or projects in accordance with reached milestones.

Based on Delivered Quantity: Invoice services based on quantities that were actually delivered.

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Within the Create on Order area, you can choose an appropriate alternative. Depending on the option you choose, this product can generate a Project, Task, or a Project and Task combined upon sales confirmation. You can track the service that you are selling using this project or task. When finalizing the sales order, a shift will be automatically generated for the chosen position if the Plan Services option is used. After enabling the Plan Services, an area will emerge where you may describe the job.

In Odoo17, you may keep track of several product versions and qualities so that the consumer has a variety of options to choose from. You can define the variations of a product that are already set up in Odoo17 by using the Add a Line buttons found under the Attributes & Variants page. Use the Configure option if you wish to add a new variant or attribute.

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The Upsell & Cross-sell, Ecommerce Shop, Helpdesk, Point of Sale, Extra Product Media, and Sales Description can all be defined under the Sales tab. The Upsell and Cross-selling area offers clients suggestions for supplemental products, accessory products, and alternative products. Mention the Website, Website Categories, Website Sequence, and Ribbon attached to the product in the ECOMMERCE SHOP section.

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Odoo17 provides a variety of eCommerce techniques to increase online sales. You will have the choice to specify the upselling and cross-selling methods as a result on the Sales tab. When users click the Add to Cart button, products that are considered optional are presented to them. The cross-selling approach includes this. Using this functionality, Odoo17 will suggest complementary products that can be purchased along with the primary item. The cross-selling approach uses accessory products to propose additional items to customers when they review their shopping carts before checking out. The product you chose may have alternatives, as suggested by Alternative Products. This is one of the best up-selling techniques to increase online sales and will be visible at the bottom of the product page on the eCommerce website.

In the Warning field located under the Sales tab, as shown in the figure below, you can set warnings to appear while this product is being sold.

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By turning on the appropriate option in the Point of Sale field, you can make this product available in POS. You will be given the opportunity to enable the To Weight with Scale feature after selecting this option. If the product needs to be weighed using the hardware scale integration, you can turn on this option. In the Category section, enter the product's category for usage in the POS.

You can enter the website, website sequence, categories, and ribbons for the product's eCommerce presentation in the Ecommerce Shop section. The sales order and invoice for this product will include the sales description that was written in the sales tab.

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Under the Purchase tab, further information about the product's purchase can be provided. The Add a Line button can be used to list the suppliers of this product. You can turn on the Subcontractor field if you plan to subcontract this product with the chosen vendor.

Enter the appropriate Currency in the field provided to purchase operations with the vendor. Additionally, you can provide in the appropriate boxes the Unit of Measure used for the purchase orders with this vendor, the Price to buy this product from the given vendor, and the Lead Time for Delivery. The delivery lead time is the number of days from the moment the vendor confirms the purchase order and the time the product is delivered to its final destination. In order to compare pricing and choose the best option for a purchase, Odoo enables you to set numerous vendors to a single product.

You can configure the default vendor taxes used for this product's purchase activities under the Vendor Bills section. How to create vendor invoices for the goods will be outlined in the control policy. By changing the bill control policy to Ordered amounts, the bills can be created depending on the amounts that the client has ordered. You can create a control policy on Received Quantities if the consumer wants to pay the bill only after receiving the products. To add internal notes on the product's buying activities, use the buying Description tab.

Let's go to the Product Configuration Window's Inventory tab now. This page allows you to specify the operations, logistics, traceability, and counterpart locations.

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The Operations field will assist you in defining the Routes of the product in accordance with the modules that are installed in your Odoo17 database. Depending on your company's regulations, you can set the route of this product as Buy, Dropship Subcontractor on Order, Manufacture, Resupply Subcontractor on Order, and Dropship. For the storable goods in your warehouses, Odoo17 provides tracking tools that make it quick and easy to find the item in your inventory. The distinct serial numbers or lots assigned to each product can be used to track products. You can configure the Tracking based on Unique Serial Number or Lots in the Traceability box. You can choose the No Tracking option if you don't want to permit tracking for this product.

Designate a Responsible employee to be in charge of the impending logistics-related tasks for this product in the Logistics area. This product's Weight and Volume can be specified in the corresponding fields.

The number of days given to the customer for delivery following the confirmation of the sales order is known as the customer lead time. In the space provided, enter the HS Code that is used for international shipment and product declaration. You can also identify the country of origin of the goods, which indicates how and where they were made.

You can define the Product Location under Counterpart Locations, which serves as the source location for stock moves brought on by manufacturing orders. When you perform an inventory, the provided Inventory Location will be taken into account as the originating location for the stock moves created.

You will find a new option under the Inventory tab where you may describe the packaging of the products you have on hand. You must enable the Product Packaging feature from the module's Settings menu, as shown below, in order to access this option.

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The product packaging function will be accessible after you turn on this feature under the Inventory tab of the product setup window, as shown in the illustration below. Product packaging allows for the creation of product packets in predetermined quantities.

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The packing, package type, amount of the product contained in the packaging, and unit of measurement can all be entered using the Add a Line button. You can choose the appropriate fields if you wish to use the package approach for sales and purchase orders.

Additional notes for receipts and delivery orders can be added using the Description for Receipts and Description for Delivery Orders, respectively.

You can specify the necessary information for the product's accounting activities under the Accounting tab of the Product Configuration window.

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The Receivables area allows you to enter the Income Account, while the Payables field allows you to enter the Expense Account and Price difference account. When confirming vendor bills, this Price difference account is employed in automated inventory valuation to record the price difference between a cost and its associated vendor bill.

Enter the Country of Origin and Commodity Code in the Intrastat field. If an Email Template is mentioned in the Automatic Email At Invoice field, Odoo will automatically send a product-specific email once the invoice has been validated.

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You can enable the Sell on eBay option under the eBay tab in order to sell this item on eBay. You will receive more fields to set as soon as you enable the eBay option, as indicated in the image above. Here, you can see the product's eBay status. For the product on eBay, you can enter a suitable Title, Subtitle, Item Condition, Category, and Store Category in the corresponding areas. There are two options for the listing type: fixed price or auction. You will be presented with an additional field to specify the price depending on the option you choose. The Duration parameter allows the eBay listing duration to be defined. You can make the best offers on eBay by turning on the Allow Best Offer setting. To enable private listing for this product on eBay, turn on the Private Listing option.

We went over every tab that was there in the product configuration window.

You may use certain operational tools on the screen after adding a new product to your Inventory module, including Print Labels, Update Quantity, and Replenish. Use the Print Label option to create labels for this product that may be placed on the parcels when they are delivered. As illustrated below, this will take you to a new wizard.

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The fields provided here allow you to enter the product's quantity, extra content, and label format. Labels for the chosen product will be printed after clicking the Confirm button. The example that follows.

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Now that we've covered the product configuration capability, let's talk about the configuration of product variants in the Inventory module.



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