Managing your employees' daily expenses has never been an easier task. Whether its travel expenses, office supplies, or any other employee expenditure.
One can access all these receipts and expense submissions from the Odoo Expenses dashboard. The module makes it easier to create, validate, and refuse the expense in a button click.
Install the expense module from Odoo apps.
Upon clicking, you are navigated to the dashboard of expense module. There you can see the expenses created with its description, employee details, account details, status and so on.
Next go to the expense configuration menu,
Activating the option, employees can record their expenses by email, and reimburse their expenses in Payslip.
Single expense creation
Expenses > My Expenses > Create
For every new expense, the employee should have:
- Description: This field embeds the reference to bill/ticket.
- Product: This field specifies the type of expense.
- Price: For instance, the accommodation or a quantity to reimburse. For example, if the employee has travelled in a vehicle, the quantity shall be kilometer.
Fill the fields and click SAVE.
Upon saving, you will be navigated to a new window like below, where you can attach the documents, and create the report.
Upon submitting the documents and creating reports, click SUBMIT TO MANAGER button.
“You can add more number of items to a same expense bill.”
“Once the expense is submitted you can see the status of the expense changes”
Note:-“Now it has to be approved by an officer level user. Posted means the Payslip is posted in Journal and finally Paid status indicate the actual Payment. All these state changes can be done by different users. Same Rule is Applicable to Expense Report also.”
Upon creating a record, the expense report has to be send across or submitted to the manager to get them approved.
To Approve
Expenses> Expense Reports >To Approve
This provisions the manager to oversee all the expenses that are awaiting approval. From the list, the manager can select a submitted expense, scrutinize it and take appropriate action.
To Post
Expenses> Expense Reports> To Post
From the dashboard you get to see the Expenses Reports to post. From the list, the designated person can select the expense and post the journal entry.
Upon clicking POST JOURNAL ENTERIES button, the expense gets POSTED. One can see the change in status bar from APPROVED to POSTED.
To Pay
Expenses> Expense Reports> To Pay
Select the Expense Report to pay from listed.
Click REGISTER PAYMENT button, to make the pay.