To handle static resources in a custom module, particularly
displaying an image on a web page, follow these steps:
Place your preferred image in the static directory within your
custom module. For instance: /store/static/src/img/image.jpg
Proceed to define a controller.
from odoo import http
@http.route(['/product], type='http', auth="user", website=True)
def product_details(self):
product_ids = request.env['product.template'].sudo().search([]])
image_url = '/store/static/src/img/image.jpg
return request.render("shop.product_details_template", {product: product_ids, 'image_url': image_url})
In the provided code snippet, replace 'image_url' with the URL
of your desired image. Subsequently, from the template,
retrieve the 'image_url' and include it as follows:
<div class="form-group col-12 s_website_form">
<img t-att-src="image_url"/>
In this example, the image is showcased directly from
In Odoo, all files added within the static directory are
recognized as static resources. In the provided example, our
image resides within the /static/src/img directory. Similarly,
various static resources can be organized within this
For instance, CSS files can be included in the /static/src/css
directory, while JavaScript files can reside in the
/static/src/js directory, and so on.