Working With env Variable
In the Odoo environment, the ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) stores various context data, including the database cursor for executing database queries, the current user for access permissions verification, the current context for storing arbitrary metadata, and caches.
Every recordset has an environment that can be accessed using env, providing access to:
● the current user (user)
● the cursor (cr)
● the superuser flag (su)
● or the context (context)
When a recordset is created from another recordset, the environment is inherited. Use the Environment to obtain an empty recordset in a model and query that model.
> > > self.env['sale.order']
> > > self.env['sale.order'].search([('state','=','draft')])
env.ref(xml_id, raise_if_not_found=True)
The record matching the XML id will be returned:
> > > self.env.ref('base.user_admin')
The current environment user will be returned, and the output will be a record from the res.users model.
The language code for the current environment will be returned, and the type will be a string (str).
It will return the current company as a record of the model.Fallback to the current user's main company if the context (allowed company ids) is not specified. If the content of the allowed_company_ids context key is invalid or unauthorized, it will generate an AccessError.