Chapter 15 - Odoo 15 Development Book

ORM Cache

The Odoo framework gives the ormcache decorator to deal with the in-memory cache. In this recipe, we will investigate how you can deal with the cache for your functions.

The classes of this ORM cache are accessible at /odoo/apparatuses/ To utilize these in any record, you should import them.

from odoo import tools

Subsequent to bringing in the classes, you can utilize the ORM cache decorators. Odoo gives various sorts of in-memory cache decorators. We'll investigate every one of these in the accompanying areas.


This one is the simplest and most-used cache decorator. You really want to pass the arguments name whereupon the method's result depends.The following is an example method with the ormcache decorator:

def _check_data(self, key):
   # some code
   return result

When you call this method for the first time, it will be executed, and the result will be returned. ormcache will store this result based on the value of the key parameter. When you call the method again with the same key value, the result will be served from the cache without executing the actual method.

Sometimes, your method's result depends on the environment attributes. In these cases, you can declare the method as follows:

@tools.ormcache('self.env.uid', 'key')
def _check_data(self, key):
   # some code
   return result

The method given in this example will store the cache based on the environment user and the value of the mode parameter.


This cache works similarly to ormcache, except that it depends on the parameters plus the value in the context. In this cache's decorator, you need to pass the parameter name and a list of context keys. For example, if your method's output depends on the lang and timezone(tz) keys in the context, you can use ormcache_context:

@tools.ormcache_context('name', keys=('tz', 'lang'))
def _check_data(self, key):
   # some code
   return result

The cache in the preceding example will depend on the key argument and the values of context.

Ormcache multi

Some methods carry out an operation on multiple records or IDs. If you have any desire to include a cache these sorts of techniques, you can utilize the ormcache_multi decorator. You really want to pass the multi boundary, and during the function call, the ORM will create the cache keys by repeating on this boundary. In this technique, you should return the outcome in a dictionary format design with a component of the multi boundary as a key. Investigate the accompanying example:

@tools.ormcache_multi('mode', multi='ids')
def _check_data(self, mode,ids):
   result = {}
   for i in ids:
       data = ... # some calculations based on ids
       result[i] = data
   return result

Suppose we called the preceding method with [1,2,3] as the IDs. The method will return a result in {1:... , 2:..., 3:... } format. The ORM will cache the result based on these keys. If you make another call with [1,2,3,4,5] as the IDs, your method will receive [4, 5] as the ID parameter, so the method will carry out the operations for the 4 and 5 IDs and the rest of the result will be served from the cache.

The ORM cache keeps the cache in dictionary format (the cache lookup). The keys of this cache will be generated based on the signature of the decorated method and the values will be the result. Put simply, when you call the method with the x, y parameters and the result of the method is x+y, the cache lookup will be {(x, y): x+y}. This means that the next time you call this method with the same parameters, the result will be served directly from this cache. This saves computation time and makes the response faster.

The ORM cache is an in-memory cache, so it is stored in RAM and occupies memory. Do not use ormcache to serve large data, such as images or files.

You ought to utilize the ORM cache on pure functions. An pure functions is a technique that generally returns similar outcome for similar contentions. The result of these techniques just relies upon the contentions, thus they return a similar outcome. On the off chance that this isn't true, you really want to physically clear the reserve when you perform activities that make the cache's state invalid. To clear the reserve, call the clear_caches() technique:


Once you have cleared the cache, the next call to the method will execute the method and store the result in the cache, and all subsequent method calls with the same parameter will be served from the cache.

Least Recently Used (LRU)

The ORM cache is the Least Recently Used (LRU) cache, meaning that if a key in the cache is not used frequently, it will be removed. If you don't use the ORM cache properly, it might do more harm than good. For instance, if the argument passed in a method is always different, then each time Odoo will look in the cache first and then call the method to compute. If you want to learn how your cache is performing, you can pass the SIGUSR1 signal to the Odoo process:

kill -SIGUSR1 24770

Here, 24770 is the process ID. After executing the command, you will see the status of the ORM cache in the logs


The percentage in the cache is the hit-to-miss ratio. It's the success ratio of the result being found in the cache. If the cache's hit-to-miss ratio is too low, you should remove the ORM cache from the method.



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