The gift cards can be created within the Point of sale module very easily. The option is available under the products menu in the point of sale module.
On the gift cards page, you will get the details, such as program name, program type, items, website, point of sale, and company, respectively. You can make use of the Filters and Group By options if required. You can make use of the Create icon to make a similar kind of gift card in the point of sale module.
On the gift card creation page, you will get the option of the program name and program type to fill. You can add the gift card products in the allotted space. Then an email template, print report, and currency option can be seen to get filled. You can provide the company name, an available option to trigger as point of sale, sales, and website. You can mention a website, point of sale, and display options as well. Finally, go to the Save icon.
Within the point of sale module, you can soon make coins or bills. The option of coins or bills can be seen in the Configuration menu itself. On the coins/bills page, you will get the list of names with coins/bills value and point of sales options.
In order to make a similar kind of coins or bills, just go to the Create icon, as shown in the image above.
Here, as you can see, you have space to mention the name, coins/bills value, and point of sale, respectively. Then, as usual, go to the Save icon to get the newly created bills/coins to get added to the already created list.
The floor plans option in the configuration menu helps you to configure various plans for the floor. The option can be taken from the configuration menu itself.
As in the image, you will get the list of created floor plans, which include details, such as floor name and point of sale. To make a similar kind of plan, go to the Create option provided on the page.
On the floor plan creation page, add a name for the floor plan and point of sale. You can set a background color as well. With the help of the Add a Line option, you can include a new plan with the table name and seat shape.
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