Activity Types
To schedule various activities with the applicants, first, you need to configure certain activity types in the Configuration Menu. The Activity Types platform will show the already configured activities as shown below.
You will get the Name, Default Summary, Planned in how many days, Type, Model, and Icon of the activity type in the window. Now, click the create button to add a new activity type.
Mention the name of the activity in the specified field. In the Activity Settings tab, you can select the Action as Upload Document, Phone Call, Reminder, Meeting, or None. the Action will trigger specific behavior that you selected in this field. Specify a Default User for this activity type. You can set a specific Model if the activity should be specific to a model and not available when managing activities for other models. You can define an Icon and Decoration Type for the activity. By defining the Decoration Type, Odoo will change the background color of the related activities of this type. Use the Default Note field to add a default note for this particular activity.
In the Next Activity tab, you can set the Chaining Type as Suggest Next Activity or Trigger Next Activity. By selecting the Suggest Next Activity option, you will get a field to Suggest the next activity. By doing so, Odoo will suggest these activities once the current one is marked as done. By selecting the Trigger Next Activity option, you can mention the next activity in the Trigger field. Odoo will automatically schedule the next activity once the current one is marked as done.You can add an Email Template in the given field to send mail to the applicant once this activity is scheduled. In the Schedule field, you can specify the number of days/week/month before executing the action. It allows us to plan the action deadline.
After adding all details, you can click on the ‘Save’ button to save the new activity.