Odoo 14 Community Edition

SMS Marketing

Odoo SMS Marketing is an instant marketing tool that allows you to perform SMS Marketing activities related to the marketing campaigns in an efficient manner and also it will keep track of the campaigns. The advantages of SMS over other marketing techniques such as emails and phone calls are it is short, personal, and instant. There is no doubt that it is a good platform for sharing promotions, discounts, coupons, and many more aspects to keep your customers connected with you.

Contacts Lists

As an SMS Marketing module, you will first have to create a Contacts list. The Odoo platform allows you to create the Contacts list with ease. So we can discuss how to create contact lists on the platform. The Contact Lists window can be accessed from the Contacts Lists tab. The image of the window can be viewed below.


In this Contacts lists window, you can view all the Contacts Lists created in the platform and if you are clicking on the Create icon available, you will be depicted with a pop-up window as depicted below.


In the Create a Mailing List window, you can provide the Mailing list name, and also you can enable the option Is Public. By doing this the mailing list can be accessed by the recipient on the unsubscription page to allow him/ her to update his subscription preferences. After providing the details, you can select the Create icon available. This contact list can be used to create a target audience.

Now we can discuss the Contacts menu available on the platform.


The Contacts window available in the module can be accessed by taking the route SMS Marketing -> ContactsLists -> Contacts. The image of the window is depicted below.


In this Contacts window, you can view all the contacts along with the Name, Created date, Email ID, Email Blacklisted, Mobile number, Phone Blacklisted, and the Bounce. Using the Create icon available in the window, you can create new contacts. Let us have a look at the image of the contacts creation window.


In this creation window first, you can provide the Contact Name then allocate the Tags. After that, you can mention the Email ID and the Mobile number along with the Company Name and Country. Under the Mailing list, you can add the Mailing List by selecting the Add a line option available. This option allows you to add the contact to the required contact lists. Also, you can enable the option Opt-Out for providing permission to unsubscribe from the SMS services.

As we are clear on the aspects of Contacts and Contacts Lists in the platform and now let us discuss how to create SMS Mailings in the platform.

Create SMS Mailings

The home dashboard window of the Odoo SMS marketing module is depicted below.


In this home dashboard window of the SMS marketing module, you can view different stages such as Draft, In Queue, Sending, and Send on the basis of the status of the SMS mailings. All the drafted messages in the platform can be viewed under the Draft stage. In the same way, we can describe each stage. To create new SMS mailings you can select the Create option available on the top left corner of the window. The image of the creation window is depicted below.


In this SMS mailings creation window, you can provide the Internal Title of the SMS. Here you can specify what is the content of the mailings. Then you can fill the next field Recipients where you can add the receivers of the SMS from the drop-down menu available. The Select mailing lists can be selected from the list being defined.

The content for the SMS can be described under the SMS Content tab available. Below the SMS content tab, you can also view an information icon that will allow you to find the price to send an SMS to a country. This option will also help you to find the number of SMSs sent and many more aspects of SMS mailing.


Under the Dynamic Placeholder Generator tab, you can select the target Field from the related document models available in the dropdown menu available. You are also able to allocate Default value and Place holder Expression.


Under the Settings tab of the SMS mailing creation window, you can provide the Name, Responsible person, and also you can enable the Include opt-out link option. This option will help the receiver if the receiver is not interested in receiving the SMS anymore, he/she will be able to unsubscribe from the mailing list. In addition, you have the provision to view the history of the send links from the Link Tracker available under the Configuration tab of the SMS Marketing module. The image of the window is showcased below.


In this Link tracker window, you can find the history of all sent links. Back to the SMS Marketing mailing creation window, where under the Settings tab, you have more details to fill in as the Marketing information such as Mailing Campaign, Source Medium which is the delivery method. Also, you can enable the option Allow A/B Testing. If enabled, recipients will be mailed only once for the whole campaign. This lets you send different mailings to randomly selected recipients and test the effectiveness of the mailings, without causing duplicate messages. After providing all the required information in the SMS mailings creation window, the next step is to decide when you want it to be delivered. For that, you can view some options on the top left side of the window as shown below.


The Put in Queue button available will help you to generate mailings with the next automatic run and the Send Now button can be used to send the messages quickly. This option is more considerable when the number of recipients is low. The Schedule button available will allow you to schedule the time for sending SMS. Finally, the Test button can be used to send SMS for test purposes.

Once you select the Put in Queue button, you will be visible with the analytics of the SMS campaign as smart buttons like how many people have Received, Clicked, and Bounced the messages along with the Leads, Quotations generated and Invoiced. All these options can be viewed in the below image.


So far we were discussing how to create and send the SMS mailings in the Odoo SMS marketing module and now let us discuss how to create Campaigns on the platform.


The Campaigns window available in the module can be accessed by selecting the Campaign menu available. The image of the Campaign window is showcased below.


In this Campaigns window, you can view all the campaigns created in the platform are arranged in different stages on the basis of their status. The stages are named New, Schedule, Design, and send. You have the provision to customize the stages on the basis of your requirements. You can create new Campaigns with the help of the Create icon available. The image of the Campaign creation window can be viewed below.


In the pop-up window, you can provide the Campaign Name along with the Responsible person and Tags.

Now it is the time to discuss the configuration of the blacklisted phone numbers option available.

Blacklisted Phone Numbers

The configuration of the Blacklisted Phone Numbers option can be done by going to SMS Marketing -> Configuration -> Blacklisted Phone Numbers. The image of the window is depicted below.


In this window, you can view all the blacklist phone numbers described in the platform along with the Blacklist Created Date and the respective Phone Number. You are also able to create new blacklisted phone numbers. This can be done by selecting the Create icon available on the top left corner of the window. The image of the Creation window is showcased below.


In this creation form, you can mention the Phone number and can enable the Active option available. Then you should save the details by selecting the Save button available.

Now we can go to the Reporting window available on the platform.


The reports of all the activities and operations in the module can be viewed in a visual format under the Reporting menu available. The window can be viewed in both Graph and Pivot view. Customizable and default functionalities such as Filters, Group by, and Favourite Searches are also available with the window. By using this window, you can easily analyze the performance of SMS mailings. Moreover, the various reports in the window can be viewed in different formats such as Bar charts, Line Charts, and Pie charts. The below image depicts the SMS Marketing Analysis displayed in the Bar chart.


We have discussed all the important peculiarities related to the Odoo SMS Marketing module and we are clear that Odoo SMS marketing is the best choice to improve your business sales. This effective marketing strategy allows you to plan, organize, and schedule marketing campaigns and also keep track of the campaigns in a better way.



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