Expenses Analysis
Expenses Analysis is an available reporting feature, which can be accessed under
the Reporting session. This feature gives an insight for analyzing all the expense
reports at a glance.
Expenses -> Reporting -> Expenses Analysis.
The Expenses Analysis reports can be viewed in the Bar, Line, or Pie chart. Moreover,
it can be arranged in both Ascending and descending aspects. In addition to it,
you have all the customizable and default functionalities and you can view the window
in different views such as Graph, Pivot, List, and Kanban.
The Odoo Expense Management module allows you to manage all the expenses in an organization
in a professional way. This will help you to have a clear idea about your company’s
expenses. This module can be easily integrated with other modules such as Employee,
Project, Invoicing, and Fleet management. This simple module is not only helpful
for Employees but also the Managers and Accountants of the company who will take
the benefits of this module.