A product is anything that can be supplied to the market to satisfy the need of a customer. We can classify the product as tangible and intangible products. A tangible product is a physical object that can be felt through touch and buildings, items of clothing, vehicles are examples of tangible products. The other one, an Intangible product is not a physically touchable object and it can only perceive indirectly. Services, insurance policies are examples of intangible products. In the retailing market, products are identified as commodities and in the manufacturing field, products are obtained as raw materials and then developed and sold as final finished goods.
Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP is the software used to manage and integrate the day-to-day business activities in a well-organized, planned, and systematic way. It will help to increase productivity, provide better analysis, forecasting tools, and also help to manage everything efficiently. The initial stage of any ERP programming is considered as product generation. Here all the data regarding a product is assigned for better management.
Odoo the best solution for business management gives a better chance for product management. Odoo possesses a striking module for Product management. The well-planned product management system helps to fulfill the needs and desires of both managers and customers. The product details like - name of products, the image, price, manufacturing details, stock details, special offers, etc. are the eminent features that can be identified easily.
Below is the overview of SALES MODULE
As you open the sales module you can see the buttons orders, invoice, products, reporting, and configuration. When you select the products button, you can see the product window, and using this window you can create products.