Lead Generation
For handling our leads with Odoo, first we have to enable the leads option from the settings.
After this option is enabled, a new menu for creating the leads will appear.
Sales -> Leads -> Create
In the lead creation form, we can select a customer or we can create a new customer and link to this lead. Complete address of this customer can be specified here. There are some optional fields such as email, contact name, job position, mobile, phone, fax, etc. are available. The corresponding salespersons details who creates this lead will be automatically filled and his sales team will also be selected automatically.
Or you can generate Leads from Incoming Mails
There are several ways for your company to generate leads with Odoo CRM. One of them is using your company's generic email address as a trigger to create a new lead in the system. In Odoo, each one of your sales teams is linked to its own email address. You can configure this E-mail to generate Leads automatically. For this, first we need to configure the Incoming & Outgoing mail servers from settings.
Sales -> Leads
Click Covert To Opportunity
If we select the conversion action ‘Convert to opportunity’, then a new opportunity will be created. If ‘Merge with existing opportunities’ is selected, then a new option will appear which will allow us to select the opportunities.
We can assign this opportunity to a salesperson and his team. While creating the opportunities, it is optional for us to link it with a customer. If we select the option ‘Do not link with a customer’, then no customer will be linked with. There are other options available to link with existing customer or to create a new customer and link with him.
Or you can create opportunity directly
Sales -> My Pipeline -> Create
“ Once a lead is converted to Opportunity it is pipelined ”
Sales Pipeline
After creating the opportunities, it will be displayed in the Sales Pipeline section. From ‘My Pipeline’ menu, we can see that all the opportunities are grouped by their corresponding stages.
Sales -> My Pipeline
One of the main features of Odoo is the ‘Drag and drop’ facility in this view. We can change the status or stage of an opportunity by simply dragging from one stage to another.
Pipeline Configurations
We can configure the stages we want to use in our pipeline. Under the CRM module
Configuration -> Leads and Opportunities -> Stages
Here we need to provide a Stage Name, and Stage Probability to specify the probability of the lead when that lead is in this stage.
We can relate this stage to a sales team if we need. If we select a team, then this stage will be accessible to those team members only.
Edit/Update Pipeline Content
Sales -> My Pipeline
To create new opportunities, click ‘Create’ button. Edit an Existing opportunity select any of the opportunity from list.
We can use the field ‘customer’ to select the customer related with this opportunity
Expected revenue from this Opportunity and probability of winning this Lead and converting it to our sales will also be shown here. Once we have set any Meetings related to this Opportunity, it can be seen by clicking on the button at the right top corner of this form. The number of meetings will be shown. In the Contact Information tab, the details of the contact related to this opportunity can be specified. The buttons, ‘Mark Won’ and ‘Mark Lost’ are used to mark the opportunity as won or lost.
Next Activity field in Pipeline
This another important settings available in Pipeline. At each stage of Pipeline we can assign next activity to be done for the follow up of that opportunity. To set next activity
Sales -> My Pipeline
At the right bottom of every Lead, we can see a white dot symbol, which can be used to assign Next Activities to this opportunity. Upon clicking it, a new wizard will appear, which will allow us to create the next activity.
The Next Activity can be Email, Call or Task. We should set a date and summary to specify the purpose of this activity.
“you can track all the recorded ‘Next Activity’ from Sales -> Next Activities”