1. Sub-task Feature for Project.
2. Lists Under Task.
3. Task Count in Task Kanban View.
4. Task Stages in Configuration.
5. Analysis of Report.
6. Deadline Validation.
7. Stage Validation.
Sub-Task Feature For Project
Here we can split our task into sub-tasks. Therefore, we can assign these subtasks to different employees. We can create sub-tasks to allowed projects only.
If you give permission to use subtask for a project then you can assign sub-tasks for a task that belongs to this project.
List Under Task
You can see the list of tasks under the subtasks.
Task Count in Task Kanban View
You can see the tasks count in Kanban's view.
Analysis Of Report
You will get a brief report about subtask through Sub-Task Analysis under report. You can take any report related to any subtask. In addition to that, you can give any filtration.
Validation For Sub-Task
Sub-Task Module gives validation for stages and deadlines. When you move the stage of the task into the final stage, but its child task does not reach the final stage.
That time this module blocks this movement with a message “You can't move it to a final stage. Some child tasks are not completed yet!” Then when you move the stage into the cancel stage that time all the subtasks under those tasks will go to the cancel stage.
Stage Validation
You cannot move your tasks into the final stage until all the subtasks reach the final stage.
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