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How can I mention the most trending product in Odoo 17? Go to the product page, under the sales tab, and add the appropriate ribbons from the Ribbon option. Subsequently, the website products will display the added ribbons. From the front end as well it is now able to add ribbons for the product. Edit the product page, click on any of the products, and customize the badge option where one can choose the existing ribbons or even create new ribbons.
Can I add multiple images for a product in Odoo 17? One can achieve this by customizing the product page from the website's front end. Users can add more than one image for a single product by clicking the Add button located in the Extra Images area.
Is it possible to choose a price list from a website in Odoo 17? Yes, choosing the price list will be made easier by turning on the Selectable option within the price list.
How can I set the different pricing for each customer on the website of Odoo 17? This can be achieved with pricelists. For the pricelist configuration, we will be able to add currency and country groups as well. Thus when a customer comes to buy from the website, based on their country the pricelist and currency in the pricelist will be applicable.
Is it possible for customers to use their login credentials for multiple websites in Odoo 17? Once you select the Shared Customer Accounts option under Configuration > Settings of the website module, your customer accounts will be accessible from all of your websites.
What is the use of the ‘Address Autocomplete’ feature in the Odoo17 Website? Using the Google Places API to validate addresses entered by the website visitors by turning on the Address Autocomplete function.
Is it possible to show both the actual price and discount price on the website? Price Lists can be used to do this. Select the Discount Policy option labeled "Show public price & discount to the customer" from the Configuration tab of a price list. Then the customers can see the offered price as well as the public pricing.
Can I customize the checkout form for the website sales in Odoo 17? Yes, users can add an extra information form during checkout by turning on the ‘Extra Step’ from Configuration > Settings of the website. This allows customers to add extra information during the checkout process.
How can I re-order the same product from my existing purchase from the website in Odoo 17? Yes, customers are able to add items from the prior order from the portal itself. For that, the feature ‘Re-order From Portal’ option in the settings must be enabled.
Is it possible to set up a particular sales team to handle the sales through the website in Odoo 17? Yes, from the settings add the needed sales team and salesperson inside the Assignment section to assign website orders to respective salespersons in the sales team.
What is Plausible Analytics in odoo 16 website & E-commerce? In odoo 16 a new feature named Plausible Analytics is added in the settings of the website module which is an open-source initiative aims to make web analytics more privacy-friendly.
What purpose does Odoo 16 Website & E-Share Commerce's button serve in the product description menu? In Odoo 16 website & E-Commerce, a feature called Share buttons is added under the customization menu. This function is used for sharing product information through various Social Media platforms, and most commonly Customers are more likely to share product information with their friends, which in turn boosts the company effectiveness.
How are accessories and alternative goods for a product maintained on the Odoo 16 website? A product's alternative items and accessory products can be specified in the product form located under the eCommerce tab. As a result, when a product is chosen from the shop menu, all of the alternative items are displayed on one page, and if the product is put in the basket, the accessory products are suggested.
Is there any option to prevent Sale for product with zero price in Odoo 16 Website & E-commerce module? Yes, in Odoo 16 Website & Ecommerce module the user can use the feature called Prevent Sale of Zero Priced Product which helps to manage products when the product price equals 0, it replace 'Add to Cart' by 'Contact us' and this feature can be set from the setting of the website module under Shop - Products.
Is it required for the customer to sign up in order to shop for products from the website in Odoo 16? No it's not always mandatory for the customer to have a portal access to shop product from the website besides that in Odoo 16 website module setting the user can access the option named Sign in/up at checkout with three option which are Optional, Disabled (buy as guest) and Mandatory (no guest checkout). "Optional" allows guests to register from the order confirmation email to track their order.
Can we add additional details other than address while checking out by purchasing products from Odoo 16 E-commerce platform? Yes, with Odoo 16 the user can add a customizable form during checkout (after address) with the feature named as Extra Step During Checkout which can be enabled from website & E-commerce settings under Shop - Checkout Process.
What is the Re-order From Portal feature in Odoo 16 website & E-Commerce? In odoo 16 Re-order From Portal allows your customer to add products from previous order in their cart.
Is there any option in odoo 16 which helps to decide the operation after adding the product into the cart?. Yes it is possible with the feature which helps to determine What should be done on "Add to Cart" and they are Stay on Product Page, Go to cart and Let the user decide (dialog) these options help to determine the process or operation after adding product into the cart.
What are the new snippets added in Odoo 15 Website & E-Commerce? In Odoo 15 Website & E-Commerce modules certain new snippets are added such as Donation snippets where the Website users can just drag and drop the donation snippet and allow customers to provide donations. Secondly, Embed code snippets are introduced which allows the users to embed HTML code by there own.
What is the significance of using Base Unit Price in Odoo 15 Website & E-Commerce? Enabling the Base Unit Price option in Odoo 15 Website & E-Commerce will add price per base unit of measure on products and to enable this go to Website -> Configuration -> Settings -> Products -> Base Unit Price.
What is the use of the Share button in the product description menu in Odoo 15 Website & E-Commerce? In Odoo 15 website & E-Commerce a new feature is added called Share buttons under the customization menu which is used for sharing product information through various Social Media platforms and most often Customers are more likely to share product information with their friends which inturn increases the company effectiveness.
Is there any option to sort out products based on the different price ranges in Odoo 15 Website & E-Commerce? Yes with Odoo 15 website & E-Commerce a new feature is added called Filter by Prices under the customization part using which one can filter out the product within that range of price and this feature is activated by enabling Filter by prices under the customization from the website.
Differentiate between Website dash board and eCommerce dashboard in Odoo 14?
The Website dashboard will show the analytics data when it is connected with the Google account. Moreover, this is mainly for the SEO team to analyze the visits to a certain page, how long they remain on a page, what they are searching for, from which location they login to the Website, through which device, etc can be analyzed here.

In addition, when the eCommerce module is installed, Odoo provides an eCommerce dashboard too, where analyses the eCommerce sales details including total sales, total no of orders, no. of customers involved, average orders, etc.
How comments and ratings for the product can be added using Odoo 14 eCommerce Website? From the product page on the Website go to the customize menu and activate ‘Discussion and rating’. So at the bottom of the product page, the rating can be given. In addition, the text field appears to add discussion content.
How can the alternative product and accessory products of a product be managed on Odoo 14 Website? Alternative products and accessory products for a product can be set in the product form under the eCommerce tab. Therefore, when the product is selected in the shop menu it will display all the alternative products on the same page and if the product is added to the cart it will suggest the accessory products.
How tax inclusive and exclusive can be set on Odoo 14 Website?
In most cases, Website prices are tax inclusive and no additional tax will be added to product price while selling. Go to Website -> configuration -> settings, under Pricing one can set as tax-excluded or tax-included.

For ‘Tax-Included’ the price of the product in the Website catalog is including the tax amount. On the contrary, ‘Tax-Excluded’ the product price shown in the  Website catalog is the price without tax amount. 
How new products can be published on Odoo 14 eCommerce Website? Create a new product from Website module -> products -> products -> create. Add the product details and save it. Once product details are saved there will appear a new tab ‘Go to Website’ in the product form. Click on the smart tab ‘Go to Website’ which will direct to the product page and at the top swipe the unpublished icon to be published.
How can the customer account be managed in Odoo 14 Website? Go to the Website -> Configuration -> settings, under feature one, can manage customer accounts either ‘On Invitation’ or ‘Free Sign Up’. In addition, ‘On Invitation’ means the customer can only login using the invitation obtained by email link. On the contrary, ‘Free Sign Up’ any user can create an account and he can view all his invoices, documents, sale orders, projects, etc.
Can we use credit cards to make payments on Odoo 14 eCommerce Website? To support credit card payment in eCommerce Websites we can activate and use payment acquirers. Moreover, Odoo 14 supports different acquirers like Ayden, Paypal, Authorize.net, Buckaroo, Stripe etc.   
How can a PayPal account be configured in Odoo 14? Paypal is also another payment gateway to make an easy card payments for online purchases. The first step is to install the payment acquirer and configure it with Odoo from Website -> Configuration -> payment acquirers and configure it with credentials and save it. Moreover, at the time of process checkout one can use the gateway to make an online card payment.
How payment can be done using authorize.net in Odoo 14? Install the authorize.net from Website -> Configuration -> payment acquirers and configure it with credentials and save it. Therefore, at the time of process checkout, one can pay with Autorize.net. Further, choose the required payment gateway to make a card payment.
How the Website pages can be published in Odoo 14 Website? While creating the page itself, from the publish tab, one can mark to publish or assign a date to publish.
How pages for Websites can be handled in Odoo 14? Go to Website -> Pages -> Page properties, then add page name and URL. In the publish tab you can set visibility as public and you can set it as a home page or not, whether it needs to be displayed at the top etc.
How shipping methods for Odoo 14 Website can be created?
Firstly, go to Website -> configuration -> settings and enable shipping methods and save it. Further, in the configuration menu, an option shipping method is available. Click on shipping methods which will display all shipping methods and you can create a new one using the create button.

Furthermore, give a name for the shipping method and set pricing, destination availability. In addition, you can also set free delivery for above a particular amount and so on.
Can we add Menu and sub-menu to Odoo 14 Websites?
Yes, menus and submenus can be easily configured on the Website. Go to Website -> Pages menu -> Edit Menu, then a window appears to create a menu and mega menu. Furthermore, click on the create a mega menu, then a window appears to add the menu name. 
To create a menu from pages -> edit menu-> click on create a menu, then add menu name, its link, and save. Additionally, if you want to add a submenu to a menu, just create a menu, and from the menu, list drags the menu to the right of some other menu. So it will be taken as a sub-menu of the main menu.
How can we set different prices for customers from different locations on Odoo 14 Website?
Using Odoo 14 pricelist different prices can be applied to customers and products, get Website configuration settings and enable pricelists and further save it. In addition, create a price list from Website -> products -> Price Lists -> create.  Furthermore, here we can add a new price for all products, product variants, or for a product.

The pricelists can also be applied to partners (based on country as well) in the partner form under the sales & purchase tab. Therefore, when a user visits the Website he can view the product price based on the price list assigned.
How can different payment acquirers be integrated into our Odoo 14 eCommerce Website?
Payment acquirers can be handled from Website -> configuration -> payment acquirers. One can activate the respective acquirer from there or create a new one. 

For example, for  Ingenico click on activate and then configure the credentials. At the beginning of this, the state can be chosen as ‘Test’ mode. Furthermore, choose the company and Website for this payment acquirer to be configured to.  In addition, under the credentials tab configure with Ingenico credentials like PSPID, API user ID & password, SHA in & out the key, etc. Additionally, under the configuration tab add a display name, support icons, whether the need to save card data, payment flow, country, and journal. Under the Messages tab the message to be shown at different stages can be configured and all data can be saved and can be used while doing payment through these configured acquirers.
How SEO tools can be applied in Odoo 14 Website module? In the Website configuration settings, under the SEO section, you can activate Google analytics and console Google search tools. This will help the SEO team to collect the traffic details to the Website. Moreover, they can identify to which page most of the traffic is directed, which is the most searched products, how long the customers remain in a webpage, what they are searching for, from which location they are from, through which device they are login to the Website and many more.
How can the promotion programs be applied to e-commerce Websites in Odoo 14? To use the promotion programs, you have to enable ‘coupons & promotions’ from Website configuration settings and save it. Furthermore, under the product menu, you will get options to create promotion programs and coupon programs.
How can we apply the domain name for our Odoo instance in Odoo 14? Adding a domain to an Odoo instance is not much of a complex process. Go to the home page and then ‘My Odoo.com Account’. Furthermore, it will redirect you to another page where you can manage your database by clicking the ‘Manage Database’ button and you can add the domain name there.
How can we make Website an eCommerce Website for selling products in Odoo 14? You have to additionally install the eCommerce module from Odoo apps. So eCommerce features can be appended to the Website.
Is coding knowledge required to design a Website in Odoo 14? No coding knowledge is not required to design a Website using Odoo 14. In addition, there are a lot of styles, layouts, and options available. Furthermore, you just need to drag and drop the blocks to screen and save changes.
How can the Website be created for an eCommerce shop in Odoo 14?
Websites can be created from Website module -> configuration -> Websites -> create. Moreover, you can add the Website name, Website domain, logo, company, and default language.
In addition, from the Website configuration settings, you can mention the Website. So that when we click on ‘go to Website’ it will direct you to the Website we have mentioned in the configuration settings.
How can the sales feedback be added using Odoo 14 eCommerce Website? From the process check out page go to the customize menu and activate the ‘Extra step option’. This will provide another stage after the address section to add the feedback experience of purchase.
Is it possible to add a separate delivery address for a customer on the Website managed by Odoo 14? Yes, enable shipping address from Website configuration settings and save changes. Furthermore, at the process checkout time, you can edit both the billing address as well as the shipping address. 
How can the discounted price and actual price of the product be made visible in the eCommerce Website of Odoo 14? While creating pricelists, under the configuration tab you can add the discount policy as ‘Show public price & discount to the customer’ and save. So when this pricelist is chosen on the Website, it will display both actual price and discounted price based on the price list for each product.
How the products that are recently viewed by the customer can be traced to Odoo 14 Website? The recently viewed products can be tracked by enabling the feature ‘Recently viewed’ from the customize menu. Go to the Website -> shop and choose a product. In addition, from the customize menu activate ‘Recently Viewed’. So the recently viewed products by the customer can be visible at the bottom of the page.
How can we set the ‘Buy now’ button on Odoo 14 eCommerce Website? Go to the Website -> shop, then choose a product. After that go to the customize menu and activate the ‘Buy Now Button’. Then the ‘Buy Now’ button will appear on the product page.
Is it possible to add the feature to sort products on a Website? What do all sorting features provide in Odoo 14? Yes, the sorting feature can be enabled from Website -> shop -> customize menu, activate ‘show sort by’. Thus a ‘Sort By’ button available in the shop.  Furthermore, different sorting options available includes: Name: A to Z, Name Z to A, Catalog price: High to Low, Catalog price: Low to High
Can we add product description to the e-shop using Odoo 14 Website? Yes, the product description for a product can be added in the product form under the sales tab. Now go to the Website -> shop and from the customize menu activate ‘Product Description’. Therefore, the description of the product will be available in the product page.
How can we add the ‘Add to cart’ option to the e-shop in Odoo 14? Go to Website -> shop and from the customize menu activate the ‘Add to Cart’ option. Thus the add-to-cart button was also added to the product in the e-shop.
Can we list eCommerce product categories and variants in eCommerce Websites with Odoo 14?
Yes, to list the eCommerce product categories in the Website, go to Website -> shop and from the customize menu activate ‘eCommerce categories’. Moreover, it will list all the eCommerce categories on the left side of the screen.
Similarly, to show the variant attributes from the customize menu, activate Product Attribute’s Filters’, which will display the attributes on the left side of the screen.
How the orders from eCommerce Websites can be managed by Odoo 14, if the order is not confirmed even after a period of time?
For this, we can use abandoned carts. Sometimes customers add products to their carts from eCommerce Websites but are not confirmed and leave the Website. Such orders are moved to abandoned carts. 
To enable the option go to Website -> configuration -> settings, under order follow up to add the email template for order recovery and you can set a time period that the cart is abandoned after some hours.
Moreover, you can see all such orders from Website -> orders -> abandoned carts. From there we can send a recovery mail to the customer. So that either he can continue the purchase or cancel the order.
Is it possible to compare the products in Odoo 14 eCommerce?
Yes, to compare two products in the shopping cart, first, we have to enable the comparison feature. From the customize menu, activate the ‘comparison list’ option. So at each product of the shop, you will get a compare feature option.
To compare products click on compare feature of one product and then click on compare feature of another product. So the two products will be added to the comparison list. Furthermore, click on compare option pop up below. So it will show up details of all products in the comparison list.
How can the Wishlist be added to Odoo 14 eCommerce Website? Go to Website -> shop, then from the customize menu activate ‘Wishlist button’. Then the Wishlist button will appear at the product in the shop.
What availability features are there for product stock that can be managed on Odoo 14 Website?
The stock availability features  in the eCommerce Website includes:
1. Sell regardless of inventory
2. Show inventory on the Website and prevent sales if not enough stock
3. Show inventory below a threshold and prevent sales if not enough stock
4. Show product-specific notifications
Can we add stock availability to Websites in Odoo 14? Yes, the stock availability of products can be added to Websites. In the product form, under the eCommerce tab, you will have a field availability option. In addition, choose availability as ‘Show inventory on the Website and prevent sales if not enough stock and save. Therefore, while selling that product through a Website, it will show the stock availability and prevent sales if there is not enough quantity to sell.
How can coupons be generated from coupon programs in Odoo 14 eCommerce Website? Coupons can be created from coupon programs for that go to the coupon programs menu from Website -> product -> Coupon programs. Create a coupon program where you can add conditions on products, quantity, minimum purchase price, validity for which the coupon will be valid. In addition, discounts and rewards can also be set. Moreover, to generate a coupon click on the ‘GENERATE COUPON’ button available and you can specify the number of coupons needed to be generated. In addition, the generated coupon and its status can be visible in the smart tab ‘Coupons’. Additionally, the coupon details can be sent to your customer through email, and once they use the code while shopping through the Website its status changes to ‘used’.
How promo codes are generated from promotion programs in Odoo 14 eCommerce Website? One can create promo codes from promotion programs and coupon programs to do so go to Website -> products -> promotion programs. Create a promotion program and add conditions based on customers and products, quantity, the minimum purchase price for which this promotion program is applicable, add discount and rewards, and its validity. Furthermore, the next important option to configure is how the promotion code usage requires, whether automatically applied or use code. Choose use a code option and enter the code below therefore, at the time of making payment on the Website it will ask to enter a promo code to avail the discount.
What are promo codes and how are they used in Odoo 14 eCommerce Website? Promo Codes can be used in two ways: one through promotion programs and the other through coupon programs. In promotion programs, it can be considered as a general case where certain conditions can be set on products and customers to avail discounts and rewards. However, in the case of coupon programs each coupon can be used by only one customer at a time.
How can the language of the Odoo 14 Website be changed?
A lot of customers from different countries will enter the Website. So to manage multiple languages in Odoo 14, go to Website -> configuration -> settings and under the user, the Website section installs new languages or add the languages available on the Website and saves changes.
Now go to the Website and at the bottom, there will be languages to choose from. On choosing the required language, the language of the Website will be changed to the chosen language.
How can the website language be changed in Odoo 13? Firstly you have to add languages from the website settings and save changes so that all those.
How promo codes and promotion programs can be used in odoo 13 website sales?
Firstly enable the coupons & promotions from website settings and create coupons and promotion programs that need to be added in website sales. Then enable ‘Promo Code’ from the customize menu of the payment page. So while making payment you will have the option ’I have a promo code’, There you can enter the code and use the promotion programs.
How feedback can be added along with a sale in odoo 13 website app? On enabling ‘Extra step option’ from the customize menu of the payment page. This will give a stage to add reference and feedback from the customer.
How can we add shipping addresses by the customer in odoo 13 website app? By enabling ‘shipping address’ from settings, you can add a delivery address.
How is the discount price and actual price made visible for website users in odoo 13? When we creating pricelist for products, under the configuration tab of pricelist we have a discount policy. Choose discount policy as ‘Show public price & discount to the customer’. So when a user chooses the pricelist, the discount and actual price are made visible to website users.
Can we trace the viewed products in odoo 13 website app?
By enabling the feature of recently viewed products from the customize menu, the viewed products will be traced out and displayed on the product page itself.
How can we set a ‘buy now’ option from the product page in odoo 13 website? You can enable ‘buy now button’ from the customize menu of the product. So buy now option will appear in the product page.
How can the products be sorted and listed in odoo 13 website app?
Enable ‘show sort by’ from the customize menu. So a ‘sort by’ button will be available on the website. This will help to sort the products based on price and name in ascending or descending order.
How can we list products in a website based on product category in odoo 13?
Enable the ‘eCommerce category’ from the customize menu. This will help you to list products based on product category by displaying the categories.
How abandoned carts can be managed in odoo 13 website app? From the website settings, you can set the time limit for the cart that will be abandoned after the time limit. All such abandoned orders can be seen under Orders > Abandoned Carts. Either that cart can be canceled or we can send recovery mail to the buyer and let them remind them about the products in the cart.
How do we compare products in odoo 13 website app? Using the customize menu in the website shop, you can enable the feature ‘compare list’. So a comparison tool will appear along the product. On clicking the comparison tool it will compare the chosen products with attributes and their values, prices etc, which helps the buyers to choose the right product for their requirement.
How can products be added to wishlist in odoo 13 website app? Using the customize menu in the website shop, you can enable the feature wishlist. So wishlist will appear along the product. On clicking the wishlist of each product, the corresponding product can be added to the wishlist.
How Can Product Availability Be Managed in Odoo 13 Website?
Product availability can be set in the e-commerce tab of the product form. It will show the inventory availability status on the web. The product availability can be :
1. Sell regardless of inventory
2. Show inventory on website and prevent sales if not enough stock
3. Show inventory below a threshold and prevent sales if not enough stock
4. Show product-specific notifications
How can the website language be changed in Odoo 13? Firstly you have to add languages from the website settings and save changes, so that all those languages will be supported. Now go to the website, at the bottom of the page you can choose the language. Also you can add language using the ‘Add a language’ option.
The customers must be shown what all products are available in the eShop. How should we make it possible? The availability of our products must be shown on our website so that the available products will be shown to the customers. for that, under product detail go to the sales tab and click the option availability also, we can set in such a way that an alert is shown for the unavailable products.
How to display several images per product? Odoo website displays the default picture of our product. But if we want to add a different angle of our product we can also do it by carrousel.
To what extent the website we created in Odoo is flexible? Odoo website is so flexible that you can customize your website as we wanted. In the Odoo website, we have customized the menu. with that we can edit it. for more details read the blog: How to Customize Odoo 12 Website Home Page.
It will be easy to find products in eShop if we give categories for products. How do we set product categories in Odoo eCommerce and website? It will be easy to find products if we give their categories. we can set different categories for products in e-commerce. Under the e-commerce category clicking on the create button, we can create categories. We also can edit and add the category for products, also if we want we can delete categories.
To make our website more userfriendly we wanted to make it available in all languages. how is it possible? With odoo we can create a super cool website and also we are able to translate it into different languages as we wish. we can do it manually as well as automatically by using the gengo app. for further details read the blog: odoo 12 website builder.
How to apply domain name to Odoo instance? It is not that complicated to apply domain name to our Odoo instance. We have already discussed the thing in the above questions. For better understanding regarding the application of domain name read the blog: Odoo 12 Website Builder.
What are the shipping methods in e-commerce? In odoo e-commerce and website, we have different shipping methods. But nothing is set for default. For more details read the Odoo blog: odoo eCommerce
How do the promotion and coupon work in e-commerce? In Odoo eCommerce we can efficiently manage the promotion and coupon. For more details read the Odoo book: odoo eCommerce
How to use own domain name? With odoo we are able to keep our own domain name. for more details regarding the website domain and how is it customized read the blog: odoo 12 website builder
How does SEO integration work? The relevancy of our website content can be checked through the SEO tools of Odoo which are combined with Google. For more details read the Blog: odoo eCommerce
How customers can access their customer account? With odoo its easy for a customer to access his or her account. When a customer is logged in he can access his or her account by clicking on my account.
How can we make payment for orders by using payment acquirers? After having done the payment only Odoo confirms the order. And the delivery is triggered then and you can invoice the ordered quantity and at any time we can check the transaction from the order.
How do we manage special prices for specific customers and products in e-commerce and website? Odoo website can handle specific prices with the help of pricelists. for that go to website take products and from there pricelists and create pricelist as you needed. we can make one pricelist available only on one website.
How shall we customize the menu and appearance of our website? Odoo website is so flexible that you can customize your website as we wanted. In the Odoo website, we have customized the menu with that we can edit it. With the customize feature of Odoo website we are able to customize the customer experience. for more details read the blog: How to Customize Odoo 12 Website Home Page 
How do a customer make payments when he is given the bank account details? The method of transferring payments through the bank is also known as a wire transfer. wire transfer is a method of transfer. here we provide the customer with the bank details and they can pay on their own.
How to build your page in Odoo website?
From the eCommerce dashboard, click on GO TO WEBSITE option. Upon clicking, you will be navigated to the Website page as shown in the below image.

In order to manage your page, click on the Edit button on the top right corner. It will give you a default page and tools for designing the page. All you need to do is just Drag and Drop the contents.

Click on any element to customize it.

Make use of different design tools to make your website more attractive and inviting. However, don’t forget to save the changes- the current design, once you finish. Select a theme via simple drag and drop of structure blocks. You can select your theme based on the website's purpose. after selecting the theme you can create the home page. Once the theme is selected, you can start to build the homepage of your website.
Click SAVE to mark the changes.

In order to get the mobile view of your website, you can click on the mobile preview button which is placed on the top left side of the menu bar.
How can we make payment with authorize.net? Authorize.net is one of the most popular payment terminals in the world. its usage is availed only for ue customers. it can be linked with odoo too.
How to manage multi-language in the website? In odoo we can manage our website with international standards with its translation feature. With Odoo we can create a super cool website and also we are able to translate it into different languages as we wish. we can do it manually as well as automatically by using the Gengo app. For further details read the blog: Odoo eCommerce
How to configure the paypal account? Paypal is one of the most popular payment acquirers. there are no fees and so on for using it. just we need to create an account only. odoo supports paypal. Now let us see how paypal is configured and linked with odoo. for detailed knowledge read the blog: paypal configuration in odoo.
How is it posssible to start an online shop with odoo ecommerce and website? With eCommerce and website in odoo we are creating an efficient eShop in a full-fledged way. For more details regarding this read the blog: odoo eCommerce
How can we use some other payment acquirers? Odoo can redirect its customers to any payment acquirers but not able to track the transactions so we have to manually check it.
How to use credit cards for payments? On the repeating basis of services, bills are automatically prepared by odoo. thus we can set auto-debit of the customer credit card. this feature is avail only with ingenico and authorize.net.
Is it possible for customers to reuse credit cards? It is possible to save the card and reuse it for a loyal customer. Here a token is made for that customer and saved in Odoo. This feature is available only for Ingenico and Authorize.net.
In some cases, we do not collect payments directly rather through third-party software or apps also known as payment acquirers. How do we manage it? For collecting payments from customers through payment acquirers we need to redirect the customers to the payment platform which we are using and track the payment.
How to get correct tax rates in the United States using TaxCloud? First of all, we need to create an account in TaxCloud website. Register Odoo website in TaxCloud. Now enter locations in tax cloud and verify states of tax collections. Now in Odoo, Accounting-> Configuration->Settings> tick Taxcloud. Now enter tax cloud credentials and save it. This is the way you configure TaxCloud in Odoo.
How to Publish a page on all websites? Create a page and make it available only on one website. Then duplicate it and put it on other websites. whenever you create something in one website and wanted to publish in others too, just create the duplicate and publish. So that original is page is still be there in behind.
How do we know the taxes of products, locations that are exempted of tax and so on?Is there any special feature for that? Here we can use the feature of Tax Cloud. It is presently used in the US. Tax cloud is a cool feature of Odoo, here we can compute the sales tax for places of US, also we can track which products do not hold tax and which place have tax exemptions. It computes tax in real-time.
How to set prices inclusive of all taxes? Many countries, we have seen that price inclusive all taxes. In odoo also we can set it. For that activate the option Included in price from accounting taxes.
In some cases, we want to post something on a particular website and in some other case we need to post something in all the websites we use, how is it possible? If we create content from the front end and publish it will only be published in that website only whereas if we create something in the backend and do publishing it will be published in all the websites.
How to manage domain names? It is not that complicated to apply domain name to our Odoo instance. We have already discussed the thing in the above questions. For better understanding regarding the application of domain name read the blog: Odoo 12 Website Builder 
If we want to add more features to our website what shall we do? In odoo we can create a cool website. We can do its customization also. We also can configure it and add many features to it, like different languages, domain names, adding social links, customer portal mode and so on.
Considering customer and location how to do tax mapping? Tax mapping is a cool and amazing feature of the odoo to set separate taxes for different customers form different places as per the government policies and so on. in order to use this feature, we use the fiscal position. we have already discussed this in the accounting module. for more details read the blog: fiscal position in odoo v12.
In some cases we will have to manage different websites, how is it possible to manage multi-websites in Odoo? Odoo is so flexible that we can use multiple websites in Odoo. Its a cool and unique feature of Odoo. Each website in odoo works independently and we can manage independently. inorder to create a new website, website>configuration>settings click the create button and create a new website.
To increase sales and revenue for a particular period how shall we do promotion and so on the website? Creating and sharing promotional code is mainly done to enhance the revenue during a particular period increasing sales. For this purpose, we use pricelist management and promotional deals. for better understanding read the Odoo book: odoo eCommerce
In case we don't have variants for a particular product or we are planning to give no more variants for a particular product. how do we disable the variants? It is quite easy to archive or disable a product. You need to just click on an action button on any product page, it becomes an archive and if again click on the archive button it is active again. If you archive a product it will not be shown on the website.
How is the price mapped for my website visitors? For the mapping of price in Odoo e-commerce, we have the feature of pricelist. For more details of its working read the Odoo book: Odoo E-commerce
How do we manage different variants of products in the ecommerce and website? Odoo eCommerce is so amazing and userfriendly. you can publish the products into an ecommerce shop by clicking on the publish button on your product. you can also manage and create variants of your products. we have already discussed in the sales, purchase and inventory modules about the product variants. for more details read the blog: odoo ecommerce.
How to sell pricier alternative products on the website? Increase profit is the ultimate aim of every business. So we can also suggest the alternative as some expensive products so that the customers will spend more time on our website in search of alternative products. Never publish so many alternative products it will only confuse the customer.
If we have an eShop we need to add products to it. How we will add products in the Website?
On the website click New Page in the top-right corner.
Then click New Product and follow the blinking tips.
Here are the main elements of the Product page: Currency: sell products in different currencies, Variants and attributes: offer variation of the same product, Pricing, and discount: apply specific prices per variant, customer segment, discounts, etc. Stock: show product availability, Description: emphasis on main teasing features, Reassurance: anticipate your customer's questions and worries on practical details like shipping rates and policies, return and replacement policies, payment method, and security, general condition, etc. Comments and ratings: let your customers tell what they think of your products to engage the trust of new visitors, Content: publish key features, emotional content by using building blocks, Upsell: publish alternatives to maximize your revenue. Like this many elements can be made visible from the Customize menu.
How we can import products with categories and variants? With odoo it is quite easy to import products with its categories and variants. For the better understanding of this read the blog: Product Comparison Tool in Odoo eCommerce also read the odoo book: Odoo E-commerce 
What's there in the eCommerce dashboard?
In the eCommerce dashboard we have to add 
Company Data: Set your company's data for documents header/footer.
Payment Method: Configure your payment methods.
Taxes: Choose a default sales tax for your products.



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