In addition, either you can clone it or download as a zip folder.
Now the basic step of the operation is completed and we now have the python, PostgreSQL and PyCharm applications installed in your system.
The next step is to move on to create a new role. For that initially, go to the PostgreSQL installation directory using ‘cd’ (usually “C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL”). Moreover the following commands can be used:
cd "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.6\bin"
createuser.exe --createdb --username postgres --no-createrole --pwprompt odoo
Furthermore, you now have to add the path of python and PostgreSQL to the path for making it available in future actions.
Add python to the path.
To add python to a path you can follow the following steps:
1. Open This PC right-click and select Properties.
2. In the sidebar, we can now see the Advanced system settings.
3. After clicking on the Advanced system settings we have the option for adding Environment variables.
4. Go to System Variables and select path for it.
5. By clicking on New you will have the option for adding a new system variable. From there we can set the variable name and value. In addition, the value should be the path to the python directory which we installed and the name can be as per your convenience(For easy identification you can set Python3/Python etc..)
Now you can use the above similar steps for adding the Postgres to the path. Let's now move onto the pip installation in the next section.
Installing pip
Firstly, we have to download which can be done from the website- . Further, go to the download folder of this file and open cmd from this folder and run python
Now you have to move to the final step which is to configure Odoo using the pycharm, which can be done by the following step:
1. Open pycharm
2. We have to create a .conf file, which can be done using the following code:
; admin_passwd = admin
db_host = localhost
db_port = 5432
db_user = odoo
db_password =odoo (the password you have provided when the user is created)
xmlrpc_port = 8555
addons_path = C:\Users\odoo13\addons
3. If you need to change the running port just change the xmlrpc_port = your required port
4. If you meet with an error of module not being available you can install the module from pycharm itself by going to File -> Settings -> Project Interpreter there will be a ‘+’ sign while clicking on that we can search the required packages and install it directly from there as depicted in the following screenshot: