In every domain Event management is a tool for an efficient communication. We know in every industry they are conducting many events for marketing purpose and for expressing their business strategy. Most of the ERP doesn’t provide such event management system. But Odoo ERP provides a simple and nice event management system. We can plan and execute the events easily through the event management module in Odoo. So we can say that Odoo can manage every event efficiently.
From Odoo, we can install event management module from apps. Then we can create event categories from the menu
Events -> Configuration -> Event Categories by specifying event type and registration counts.
It shows our every event categories like a seminar, debate, etc. So after creating these categories, we can plan our events under these categories. Here you can mention event name, organizer, start date, end date and so on. You can also schedule email like notification email or reminder email from “Email Schedule” tab.
Then you can register attendees for each event. Also, you have an option to cancel or confirm the registration. When you confirm one attendee then you can give a badge for him with sending a confirmation email.
Odoo event management module provides an efficient report analysis too. So that we can analyze the report by date, organizer, category, attendees, etc. This is one of the main advantages of Odoo event management module.
We have many dependent modules for event management in Odoo. “Event Sale” module helps you to send your event tickets through sale order. “Website Event Track” module helps you to track events from a website. Here we can enter all the information about event tracks. When we publish this on the website through “Publish on Website” button, we can see it from Website through event page.
“Website event questions” module allows you to add extra questions on registration.